
Oh devoted poet,steal my heart! Dash it against the rocks that lay reposeful beneath a tumultuous sea.

Write of my sorrow; a withering soul,

and write of my good works so that those who follow me will know:

therein lies a man

neither good nor bad,

but a man nonetheless

and a life he once had.

The Elastic Limit

“Men are like rubber bands. When they pull away, they can stretch only so far before they come springing back. A rubber band is the perfect metaphor to understand the male intimacy cycle. This involves getting close, pulling away, and then getting close again.”

-Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus

John Gray, PhD

Chapter 6: Men Are Like Rubber Bands

By now I hope you realized my true intentions towards this note was not to shed light on Hooke’s Law, but rather on the defining characteristics of mens reactions (although greatly exaggerated here) when their relationships head South. It also specifically addresses the insecure-psycho type nutcase women who ruin our lives, and why men, even in such a disheartened situation, would continue to hold on to the relationship far beyond it’s reparable state.

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The room was bare, save for the wisps of cobwebs floating about on the wave of lazy air seeping through the cracks of the wooden floor, which was otherwise the ceiling to the rest of the house. The attic was well lit by day and the noonday sun white-washed the areas it touched.

But there were dark corners. Corners where the wind did not dare wander, and light dare pierce. Was this where she lay, ashamed, bloodied and beaten to near death every night by the man she called ‘father’, and were she an outsider; would call ‘stranger’, and were she of stronger constitution; would call ‘murderer’? The hell of her past crowded her mind, the purgatory of her present crowding her iris’.

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